1935 Clerget 14 F2 diesel

14 cylinder, 2105 in3

700 hp at 2100 rpm (continuous), 940 hp at 2400 rpm (5 min).

This engine uses both air cooling and water cooling. The cylinder heads are air cooled and the cylinder barrels are water cooled. The cylinder heads are aluminum which are screwed into the steel cylinder barrels. The barrel's water jackets has fins which make it look like a usual air cooled cylinder. The cylinders are screwed into the case.

A Gnome-Rhone supercharges is built into the rear of the engine turning at 9.5 times the crankshaft speed. In a Potez 25 biplane on Dec 16, 1935 this engine was flown to 25,114 ft, setting an altitude record for diesel powered aircraft.

There is one fuel pump per cylinder which are flange mounted around the nose case. Each cylinder has two fuel injectors each with its own line to the pump.

Musée de l'air et de l'espace, Paris, France, Dec 2018

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Installed in a Potez 25. Note the small radiator below the engine for the water cooled part of the engine.

The above photo is from P. H. Wilkinson's book Aircraft Diesels.