1934 Beechcraft B17L N270Y sn 3

Manufacture date from FAA records is Feb 20, 1934

Smithsonial negative No. A-11517, (Beech B-117), Larger image

from 1934 Jane's all the World's Aircraft

Large Image Beech photo number B-100

Large Image Beech photo number B-101

Large Image Beech photo number B-102

Large Image Beech photo number B-103

Large Image Beech photo number B-104

Large Image Beech photo number B-109

Large Image Beech photo number B-114

Large Image Mrs. Charlotte F. Frye of Griffin Georgia purchased this aircraft Feb 2, 1935 from the factory. She used the aircraft for air racing and carrying air mail. She was the first woman sworn in by the U. S. Post Office to carry air mail in Gerogia. She survived two force landings in this aircraft. She sold it on Sept 15, 1942.

A number of oblivious changes had been made to the aircraft when Mrs Frye purchased it. Engine compartment louvers had been added. And the gear doors have been modified to the form used on the production B17L at the time. The "grass cutter door" was rectangular shaped. And the covers for the front gear legs hinged out to the front. This part of the gear door on the production aircraft is attached to the front gear leg.

photo from Joe Haynes

photo from Joe Haynes

photos from Hal Martin

Brochure about the restoration of Serial Number 3 from Dick Perry

Flying, Sept 1983 about the restoration of Serial Number 3

Restoration Photos from Dick Perry

photo from Hub Johnson, Feb 1980

photo from Hub Johnson

EAA Museum,1986 photo from Hub Johnson